For children with social and emotional difficulties a recent Survey by The Royal Children’s Hospital,
concluded that one of the first places that parents turn to for guidance is their child’s school and
teachers. Schools are at the front line of childhood mental health identification and response.
While many school based mental health programs provide guidance on building positive mental health
for all students, The Play Therapy Projects Sessions builds on this further by providing intervention for
students with identified concerns, such as anxiety, ADHD, grief & loss and autism. We are able to
provide individualised and targeted counselling support building a child’s ability to::
- self-regulate
- build positive relationships with others
- concentrate and focus on learn
What The Play Therapy Project can provide:
- weekly Synergetic Play Therapy sessions, an approach based in understandings of brain science,
for families that sign onto the program - a scheduled and supported time for children to delve into personal challenges, build new skills
and approaches to positive mental health - insights into the mental health challenges face by individual children who join the program. This
may include indicators of adaptive behaviours and the child’s individual response to feelings of
threat and challenge - discount offered to families when sessions are run onsite in a school/organisation
What we need to provide this service:
- use of a room or appropriate space, to make a of play therapy sessions available to families at
the school - provide awareness and availability of the program through school/organisation platforms.
- support and understanding from teachers to enable children to attend their play therapy
For more information on our partnerships or to express interest in this program please contact us.