The Play Therapy Project

Children's Counselling and Mental Health Resources

At The Play Therapy Project we believe that mental health and mental well-being are of absolute importance to ongoing success in all areas of life. It impacts our sense of self, our behaviours and our relationships with others and the world around us. It can also affect our physical health as well as our ability to concentrate and access our thinking brain which is so essential for learning and development.

The Play Therapy Project is a mental health service that offers a specialised form of children’s counselling, play therapy as well as a range of education and resource materials.

What is play therapy?

Play Therapy is a specialised form of psychotherapy or children’s counselling. It is a well researched and effective approach to treating a wide range of childhood emotional, behavioural and psychological …

What happens in a session?

The therapist follows the child’s expression in the play. They respond to the child’s words, requests, actions and the feelings that arise in the room with therapeutic responses. Therapeutic …

Who is play therapy for?

n the same way that we all find we need to talk to someone sometimes all children can benefit from play therapy. While this is true, some of the common reasons children may come to see a play therapist …

Want To Know More?

Get in touch with us to book an initial consultation



To book an appointment, or enquire about any of The Play Therapy Project’s services, visit our contact page or use the details provided on the right.

Phone: 0451104566 Location: Bayside Suburbs


Stay in touch with us by following our Facebook Page or our Instagram.

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation
- Plato
When children pretend, they’re using their imaginations to move beyond the bounds of reality. A stick can be a magic wand. A sock can be a puppet. A small child can be a superhero - Fred Rogers
Play is the highest form of research.
- Albert Einstein
Play energizes us and enlivens us. It eases our burdens. It renews our natural sense of optimism and opens us up to new possibilities. - Stuart Brown
Play is the answer to how anything new comes about
-J. Piaget
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Share your authentic self with us

At The Play Therapy Project we look forward to working with people from all walks of life. We acknowledge the diversities of all people and Endeavor to provide an environment where everyone feels safe to be who they truly are. We celebrate how aspects such as race, religion, gender, neurodiversity, disability and life experiences all come together to contribute to the amazing people who walk through our doors.

We acknowledge the societal challenges of diversity and hope to contribute to the empowerment of clients in embracing their identity and owning their authentic selves.